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270 George St. N. 3rd Floor Peterborough, ON K9J 3H1

Our Mission

Find Opportunities by VROPT

Our Mission is to empower people trade in optimizing way and creating exceptional and intelligent experiences that drive revenue in market. We provide the most useful Website for recommending the best virtual asset for buying or selling. Trade smart by AI of VROPT!

Our Strategy and Project Plan
VROPT Responsibility
VROPT attempts to innovate a novel method in the NFTs, Metaverse, Crypto currencies and other virtual assets market by using AI bots.This innovative idea will boost trading skills among our customers and guide them to gain the highest benefits and incomes.
What is more, it doesn’t require spending time on tedious financial analysis. our main advantage is the crypto currency and NFT dashboard, when search for a currency or NFT, a page is entered that shows chart, AI opinion, related indicators and news all together.
Carried out the following tasks
- Extracting data from large market place of NFTs and crypto currencies
- Updating the existing input data versus time
- Plotting and charting the extracted data from large scale database
- Collecting data related to each individual NFT or crypto at our server
- Running technical analysis and handling large scale data.
Other Tasks

- Running comparative analysis among the selected NFT or crypto
- Implementation of deep learning model is being carried out.
- Suggestion of the best-known NFT or crypto among possible alternatives
- collecting related news to this field
-demonstrating useful and significant economic indicators